
Sunday Jul 23, 2017
Meria Heller - Conversations with David - 07.23.17
Sunday Jul 23, 2017
Sunday Jul 23, 2017
Conversations with David. Meria and David Icke. So called progressives are actually tyrannical; liberals;political correctness and “new speak” (Orwell); divide and rule; labels dividing us further;group think is group judgement; inversions everywhere;Macron/Schumer silencing criticism of Israel;paranoia/fear and self censorship; Tony Blair, Justin Trudeau;identity politics; the arrogance of ignorance; mass mind control; the loss of self awareness; the isolation of social media (another inversion); the individual and perceptions;Hamburg riots at G20 – paid provocateurs; amping up the police state; energy fields; the act and power of non-participation.

Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Meria Heller - Hell and High Water with Meria and Chuck Ochelli - 07.16.17
Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Hell and High Water with Meria and Chuck Ochelli. Back to 9/11/01 – why? It changed our reality worldwide, started illegal wars, police state and more; the documentary “911 -15 Years Later” where 343 firefighters initially died more since; differences between firefighters and the “thin blue line”; reinforcing the official story; clear as day what a story we were told; aluminum planes took down these buildings with steel cores? cement vs. steel; the old movie “Towering Inferno” worth watching;Iran finally exonerated why so long? Invasion of Iraq & Afghanistan;the CIA coup in Iran in 1953;trump and 9/11 investigation; trumps broken promises like his mind and body; amped up Obama’s wars; they are all puppets;G20 or G19?What if Obama had Malia sit in for him? Ivanka,Melania,Kusher – handlers? useful idiot? Russia & Israel;Donald Trump Jr in hot water; it’s a ONE party system, neither will do a thing;Reagan redux? Nixon redux? W redux?Pence-Cheney-George HW Bush;alzheimers or mad cow disease? chemtrails and aluminum and more.

Sunday Jul 09, 2017
Meria Heller - Stars R Us with Meria and Joseph Anthony - 07.09.17
Sunday Jul 09, 2017
Sunday Jul 09, 2017
Stars R Us, with Meria and Joseph Anthony. July’s astrology; USA’s birthday 7/4/1776;feeling the insanity out there;Pluto/Uranus;cosmic rays; frequency can make you un-grounded;trump is a reflection on society; who are the real enemy? Cancer deals with emotions and the past;Mars in Cancer is irritating;Mercury & Sun in Cancer can be turbulent, tempers ignited;Venus in Gemini-more socializing? Mercury in Leo; a passionate month; focus is important;Full Moon in Capricorn on the 8th;psychosis of uncertainty;Mars in Leo; from the 8th through the 20th – quiet time;ort clouds; cosmic radiation;astro-theology;Sun in Leo will be empowering;New Moon in Leo 23rd;Venus in Cancer;chaos, confusion; plus monthly horoscopes by sign.

Sunday Jun 11, 2017
Meria Heller - Cleaning House - 06.11.17
Sunday Jun 11, 2017
Sunday Jun 11, 2017
6/11/17 Meria interviews Myrna Atha and is joined by her daughter Gia too. Myrna is a champion of green clean living. Air, Water,Food, but what about our homes? pollution in our homes and bodies; are you damaging your immune system thinking you are doing something great? nutrition – real or fake; fluoride, it’s everywhere; what about your cleansers, detergents, shampoos, skin care? eye opener for sure; phthalates;BPA;Formaldehyde;bleach;vote with your dollars;electrolytes;hydration, are you getting real hydration? vitamins/minerals;epidemic of diabetes, digestive diseases. Text 480-258-1392 with the name Meria in it for more information.

Sunday May 28, 2017
Meria Heller - Meria With Richie Allen - 05.28.17
Sunday May 28, 2017
Sunday May 28, 2017
Meria Interviews Richie Allen of the Richie Allen Show. Richie is close by the Manchester Arena and people did die; the Arena itself, size and access; Salman Abedi – who is he? ID survives again; the bomb was not detonated inside the arena; were there drills? the number 22; JFK 11/22/63; how did his ID survive? LIHOP vs. MIHOP; drugs and suicide bombers; timing pre-election; Operation Tempora put in place, 5,000 troops on the streets; critical terrorism warning; programmed to accept a police/military Orwellian state;Who benefits? Posse Comitatus; What Colonel Richard Kemp had to say on deportations;FCC policing broadcasting; the reptilian agenda; trump’s behavior and lots more.

Monday May 22, 2017
Meria Heller - Meria With Joe & Mike Bruno – Thrive Cuisine - 05.22.17
Monday May 22, 2017
Monday May 22, 2017
Meria interviews two millennials Joe & Mike Bruno, creators of Thrive Cuisine. If you ever had any questions about how and why to adopt the plant based diet, this website gives it all. Organics. How to go veg; shelf life of non-organics;buy/eat local; dispel preconceived ideas, going veg is an adventure, easy and relatively inexpensive; better health is a wonderful side effect; can’t force anyone to change; lead by example; what is your relationship with food? Do you eat or dine? can you build muscle on a plant based diet? why do millennials have a different attitude about their appearance and health? trumps diet and health; consistency is key; “don’t preach, teach”!; vote with your dollars and forks.

Monday May 15, 2017
Meria Heller - Hell and High Water with Meria and Chuck Ochelli - 05.14.17
Monday May 15, 2017
Monday May 15, 2017
Hell and High Water with Meria and Chuck Ochelli. Hanford plutonium finishing plant tunnel collapses -real and present nuclear danger; back to Yucca Mountain with trump? “Last Man on Earth”; Fukushima is everywhere, the Oceans;trump and de-regulations;trump a front man;Ivanka/Jared/China/handlers;did we say we’d prefer Hillary? Bush Jr. looking good; the Ethics committee – where are they? Russia-Gate; Michael Flynn-blaming Obama? Racist,sexist trump administration; Goldman Sachs government; what to do? Vote with your dollars and forks, get your money out of Wall st & Big Banks; be a conscious shopper; suicidal stupidity; death panels;The Matrix; “Bananas” by Woody Allen;robots made in Japan;religion and politics-control masters and much more.

Monday May 08, 2017
Meria Heller - Stars R Us, with Meria and Joseph Anthony - 05.07.17
Monday May 08, 2017
Monday May 08, 2017
Stars R Us, with Meria and Joseph Anthony. The monthly astrology show for May. Major changes in government coming; frustration – losing sense of reality; 2,000 yr cycle;Mercury direct;Venus is direct; momentum rising; 2nd half of the month improves;Jupiter & Neptune alignment;Sun in Taurus-back to basics;How to manifest; detachment;Sun/Pluto alignment; guard your head and brain;Nodes changing; aim for happiness, creativity, bliss and courage; take risks;Mercury in Taurus;Sun in Gemini the 20th;hyper-energy;Full Moon in Scorpio-transitions;intuition runs high;New Moon in Gemini;dreams and the sleep state; monthly horoscopes by sign.

Monday May 01, 2017
Monday May 01, 2017
Meria interviews scientist/philosopher Carl Johan Calleman on his latest book “The Nine Waves of Creation,Quantum Physics,Holographic Evolution and the Destiny of Humanity”. His trips to Mexico got him started on the Mayan Calendar;everything is waves and frequencies; holographic universe; the human mind is an evolving hologram; wave forms we resonate with downloads a hologram that creates our mind; the ancient Maya;millennials relate to the 9th wave;duality and “good and evil”; the number nine; paradigm shifts;1616-1617 and the Catholic Church;you are a cosmic being inhabiting a planet; the Cosmic Tree of Life; 9th wave activated in 2011;resonate with unity; return to spirituality; big bang theory obsolete; structure from the beginning;May 24 and June 29-tune in; become a quantum activist.

Monday Apr 24, 2017
Meria Heller - News of Planet of the Apes - 04.23.17
Monday Apr 24, 2017
Monday Apr 24, 2017
News of Planet of the Apes, with Meria.DHS on enforcing federal marijuana laws;Happy 4/20;Exxon wants waiver for Russian oil; corporate donors to trumps inauguration-Pay to play; Scientists protest on Earth Day;oil spills in Ohio;Carter Page, trigger;OReilly gone;Jon Ossoff;Russian interference in French election; Erdogan,dictator, trump biz pal and friend; trashing the Ocean;Where’s the USS Carl Vinson? DREAMER arrested;Ivanka gets trademarks from China;millenials detest trump & Ivanka;Ann Coulter rejected;Chaffetz; AJ latest; shingles & vaccines;No.Korea amps up;China sends troops to border;Pence amps up; Jared Kushner -gangster; bad cops; voting machines stolen in Georgia;can’t afford medications; white terrorist arrested in Texas;Manafort advising China;Maxine Waters calls for impeachment; tax dodging corporations, the 35% myth of taxes;Iraqi’s starving; troops to Somalia;and more insanity.