
Friday Jun 07, 2019
Meria Heller - The Bigger Picture with Meria & Michael Reccia
Friday Jun 07, 2019
Friday Jun 07, 2019
The Bigger Picture, with Meria and Michael Reccia. Your questions; how to prove we trust ourselves; heart center; take emotion out of the equation; non-participation? be vocal for change; dealing with opposition; how to send light; everyone’s in a different space; spirituality is a very simple thing; are your thoughts/actions really your own? unseen forces; spirits that are deadly klingons; the lower astral plane; staying out of the negativity; discarnate thought forms and beings; chakra protection; children are vulnerable do, what can you do ? are demons and ghosts real? legend vs. facts; the t.v. show “Lucifer” and much more.

Sunday May 26, 2019
Meria Heller - Awaken With Meria & Monnica
Sunday May 26, 2019
Sunday May 26, 2019
Awaken With Meria and Monnica. Things that go bump in the night; invasion of your private thoughts; keep your spiritual armor up; clear your thinking of dark thoughts; planet’s energy set to negative; light chases darkness; light attracts darkness; Buddha on emotions; are dark forces real? what to do; “I am directed, protected and connected to the great Spirit”; smudge your home; chakra shut down; are shows like these mere entertainment: Supernatural, Roswell, Travelers, Sabrina”; “They Live”; challenges vs. experience; what do you resonate to? longing for home; and much more.

Sunday May 19, 2019
Meria Heller - Meria With Miko Peled – Day of the Catastrophe
Sunday May 19, 2019
Sunday May 19, 2019
Meria Interviews Miko Peled, Israeli-American activist, author, speaker on Palestinian Nakba Day, and Israeli Independence Day. Following the path of the Buddha; the destruction of Palestine by white supremacist racists; the creation of Israel; the holocaust and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians (continues to today); false narratives believed as truths; Zionism vs. Judaism; the biblical narrative/myth; the Balfour Declaration of 1917; the term anti-semite; trump and Netanyahu; democracy? democracy for privileged whites in USA; democracy for Jews in Israel; West Bank; Golan Heights; US foreign policy written by Israel; the BDS movement; Olive trees; Congress; AIPAC; Mordechai Vanunu; Ahed Tamimi; real truth, real hero.

Sunday May 05, 2019
Meria Heller - Meria With Leon R.Walker Jr -Child Abuse Prevention Month
Sunday May 05, 2019
Sunday May 05, 2019
Meria With Leon R. Walker Jr, activist, motivational speaker, author of “Broken, the Survival Instincts of a Child”. April is Child Abuse Prevention Month & Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Leon survived a horrific childhood of abuse and turned into a champion for survivors. The lack of real justice in America; black vs. white, rich vs poor in our justice system; How to stop the cycle of abuse; suicide prevention; how to survive abuse; tell someone; child abuse is soul stealing; triggers & flashbacks; What’s a woman to do? boys get raped too; abuse usually comes from people you know and trust; black stereotypes in the 1970s and today; advise for victims. Eliminate negative people from your life. Very impactful show

Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Meria Heller - Awaken With Meria & Monnica
Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Awaken With Meria and Monnica. Today is all about Usui Reiki. Learn what Reiki (ray-key) is all about. Hands on healing vs. Reiki – what’s the difference? grounding, centering, protection; Jesus on healing; Reiki positions; shortcuts; Meria’s been a Reiki Master since 1991; your chakras; clearing karma; developing intuition; healing yourself and others; the three levels of Reiki and what each offers; intentions matter; bumping up your frequency; your aura; physical and mental clearing; “Just for today”..; exercise discretion in who you choose to attune you. Remember: true spirituality is simple and fun. Monnica & Meria have close to 100 years of training between them.

Sunday Apr 21, 2019
Meria Heller - Hell & High Water, with Meria & Chuck Ochelli
Sunday Apr 21, 2019
Sunday Apr 21, 2019
Hell & High Water, with Meria & Chuck Ochelli. Twitter-Meria-trump-Ilhan; the MSM is responsible for trump; Pete Buttigieg; Georgia Engel died; Religion dying in America; millennials; plastics in ocean; oil & gas economy; GOP against wind power; the irregularities of the burning of Notre Dame-who benefits? No mention of the Mosque burned in Jerusalem same day; JW’s,Catholics, Pope Benedict; is “christianity” under attack? theocracy in America? tis the season of sacrifice; check out Michael Feeley’s work; black farmers in America; Wikileaks-Assange-trump; drug prices rise; tax cut and your taxes; undercutting women’s choice; Obamacare and much more.

Monday Apr 15, 2019
Meria Heller - Tragedy and Hope, with Meria & Richard Grove
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Tragedy and Hope, with Meria & Richard Grove. Waking up; learning is fun; do you live your life by others telling you what to do? How to break free; learned helplessness is a symptom; Naturopaths vs. Alopathic doctors; Trader Joe’s; silent or loud protests? focus on your goals and dreams; cell phones; tech culture; how to use your time; happiness, satisfaction, success; MSM is word salad – want news? Subscribe to Meria. What is autonomy? economic self reliance; America 1955; fascism or freedom? email Meria at Meria@Meria.net to set up an enrollment call. Your life is what you make it.

Monday Apr 08, 2019
Meria Heller - The Bigger Picture with Meria & Michael Reccia
Monday Apr 08, 2019
Monday Apr 08, 2019
The Bigger Picture with Meria & Michael Reccia. Michael’s new book is here “The Spaces Between,Unseen Forces That Shape Your Life”. this is the last book in the Joseph series; the Field and the Fall; planet set to negative energy – how to avoid it; the oneness of life; we have to start caring before it’s all destroyed; the Earth matters! Raising your vibration is essential; Reiki; your signature light; protect yourself prior to spiritual work; what is in the unseen? influences that affect us mentally and physically; OBE’s; thought forms; parasitical beings; protect your Chakras; re-member yourself; knowledge is power; spirituality is a way of life; spirituality is fun and simple; inject your divinity into everything you do.

Sunday Mar 10, 2019
Meria Heller - Meria With Bev Conover, Editor of The Intrepid Report
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
Meria with Bev Conover, Editor and Publisher of the Intrepid Report. Journalists and integrity; separate zionism from Judaism; anti-semitism; Attacks on Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez -not white supremacists in office; Marco Rubio’s tweet to kill Maduro; impeachment; Pence-worse; socialism and dumb Americans; Alabama tornadoes vs. Puerto Rico & Calif; the Constitution; 2020; dangerous judges in place by trump; Joe Biden? deficit up 77%; destroying what’s left of America; the lies of Don Jr; “The Sound of Silence”; the Chinese “massage” parlors; trump/Epstein/Dershowitz; Venezuela; sanctions; Mueller; Mark Meadows; token black and more insanity.

Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Meria Heller - Hell & High Water, with Meria & Chuck Ochelli
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Hell & High Water, with Meria & Chuck Ochelli. Hypocritical outrages; Virginia -AIPAC; racism, rape, etc; Ilhan Omar on AIPAC;Analyst racism; what happened to the MAGA bomber? Another trump fan attacks BBC reporter at latest trump cult rally; trumps obsessed with size, lies; trump guilty of inciting violence; ignorance as an excuse; free speech? trump vs. Native Americans; casinos; women in power; new dems vs the old dems; Beto vs. trump 15,000 to trumps 6500; the Central Park 5; ageism; nuclear weapons; SOTU; the wall, morals dictated by the immoral; tax deductions gone for blue States and lots more.