
Sunday Aug 07, 2016
Meria Heller -The Bigger Picture - 08.07.16
Sunday Aug 07, 2016
Sunday Aug 07, 2016
The Bigger Picture, with Meria & Michael Reccia

Monday Aug 01, 2016
Meria Heller - “Born In the 1940’s We Remember” the 2016 Election - 07.31.16
Monday Aug 01, 2016
Monday Aug 01, 2016

Sunday Jul 03, 2016
Meria Heller Show - Born in the 1940’s We Remember – 07.03.16
Sunday Jul 03, 2016
Sunday Jul 03, 2016
Born In the 1940’s We Remember
Meria Heller and Jim Fetzer discuss the following topics:
Living in a false reality of constructed events
From Sandy Hook to Orlando (JFK -9/11/01)
Signs of a staged event in Orlando
Gun control
Blaming it on Islam? No links to ISIS
ISIS - made in the USA
Omar Mateen and G4S and connections to James Wesley Howell
Who and what is G4S and it’s connection to DHS
Life Tech
Professional crisis actors
Supreme Court ruling against Texas abortion access
Clinton death toll
Fake moon landing
Spraying NYC
Sunday Jun 26, 2016
Meria Heller Show - Blood & Guts – 06.26.16
Sunday Jun 26, 2016
Sunday Jun 26, 2016
Blood & Guts with Meria Heller and Jack Blood.
On today's show they discuss:
The Supreme Court’s latest attack on our 4th Amendment rights
Two sets of laws in this country
Payoffs-extortions by “law”
Decentralize and repeal
The “election” game changer worldwide
Hillary chosen years ago, stolen elections
Global Corp and their end game
The Orlando shooting and foreknowledge
The Paris shooting
Why clubs for the young?
Omar Mateen’s connections to the FBI and mercenary group
FBI stings – World Trade Center 1993
False flag/staged event
Prior knowledge, stand down, cover up, who benefits?
The other attacker from Virginia and the CI
Weather warfare? "Owning the Weather”
Venezuela and South America

Sunday Jun 19, 2016
Meria Heller Show – 06.19.16
Sunday Jun 19, 2016
Sunday Jun 19, 2016
Meria interviews Adam Shell, Documentarian on his film “Pursuing Happiness," Happiness is an inside job, Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness – what happened, USA is #23 on the happiness list, 80% of anti-depressants eaten by Americans, Defining happiness, Judging yourself, Does money make you happy, How to be happy in relationship, 10,000 Things to Make You Happy(revised to 14,000), Music and dancing, Happiness is necessary for survival, Sense of community, Happiness is contagious, Life isn’t about what you don’t have, How you live is what matters, True charity, Being your authentic self and lots more.

Sunday Jun 12, 2016
Meria Heller Show – Stars R Us with Joseph Anthony - 06.12.16
Sunday Jun 12, 2016
Sunday Jun 12, 2016
Stars R Us with Joseph Anthony. Meria and Joseph speak this month on these topics: Astrology for June. Its a rough month, Heavy energy and frequencies hitting the planet and us, Neptune in Pisces – all about water, floods, sinkholes, Losing our equilibrium, Dreams, Visions of other dimensions, People waking up, Revolution in France, Stolen elections in USA, Israel and Zionists, Mid-month event on the 20th; Howard Rosenthal spoke truth and died, New Moon in Gemini, Grand Cross, US-a cancer nation, Big cities, Nestle and Monsanto, Mercury in Gemini, Venus in Cancer, Saturn squares Neptune, Astrology is understanding the cycles, Full Moon in Sag, Sun in Cancer on the solstice and much more.

Sunday Jun 05, 2016
Meria Heller Show – 06.05.16
Sunday Jun 05, 2016
Sunday Jun 05, 2016
Tragedy and Hope returns with Meria Heller and Richard Grove. They speak about Little Lucas, Another reason to do what we do, Freedom/Tyranny/Collectivism, Political correctness, First amendment (tee shirts here), Elections – voting for slavery, True History, Project Constellation, Secrets being revealed, ”Lords of War”-Anglo-American establishment, BRICS nations, Zika and Olympics-experiment? Listening to the noise instead of the signal, Brave New World, Dystopia or Utopia, Rothschilds, World War 3 and economy, Smedley Butler, All wars are bankers wars, CFR, 9/11/01, Saudi’s on 9/11 and much more.

Sunday May 29, 2016
Meria Heller Show – 05.29.16
Sunday May 29, 2016
Sunday May 29, 2016
Born in the 1940s We Remember -with Meria Heller and Jim Fetzer
On today's Meria Heller Show, Meria and Jim discuss these topics: BRICS nation coup’s, Venezuela & Brazil vs. the IMF, Bernie Sanders vs. Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton, Kissing the ring of Henry Kissinger and AIPAC; The endless wars we are involved in, Wesley Clark has revelations, Libya-Iran, Adelson backing Donald Trump, Establishment politicians, Dead Congress pledge to Israel, Bill Clinton again, 28 pages found on 9/11, Saudi’s expose 9/11 as inside job to create war of terror, CIA/MOSSAD and false flags, Bin Laden was a CIA asset?, Israel=ISIS, The Panama Papers expose Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump, Non-intervention, President Obama and Vietnam this Memorial Day, Rafael Cruz & Bush Zapata oil, The 2nd Amendment and The end of the two party system?

Sunday May 22, 2016
Meria Heller Show – 05.22.16
Sunday May 22, 2016
Sunday May 22, 2016
Conversations with David.
Meria with David Icke. David kicks off his “Worldwide Wake Up Tour,” Tee shirts of Hillary & Trump - this choice is no choice, No political solutions, only spiritual ones, One party system, People are waking up, Keeping the people engaged, Divide and rule, Zionists backing Trump & Hillary, Inverted world-politics, Medicine, Media, It’s all frequency, Free yourself from the limiting 5 sense reality, Change your point of self-identity, Infinite awareness, Be in the world but not part of it, The word lie is in belief, The holographic self, Perception deception, Not easy breaking free, Social media psychopaths, Words are frequencies and lots more. As Meria says “The only ticket out of here is a spiritual one.”

Sunday May 15, 2016
Meria Heller Show – 05.15.16
Sunday May 15, 2016
Sunday May 15, 2016
Roaring Truth with Meria Heller and Jim Fetzer.
This week they discuss Ted Cruz disappeared-why?, Rafael Cruz and the assassination of JFK, 3 tramps, The photos, Judyth Vary Baker met Rafael when with Lee, Rafael fled to Canada afterwards working for Zapata Oil (Bush)came back a preacher, Trump on Hillary, The blogger was silenced, Cruz’s mistresses story, Cover ups in mainstream media, Dishing the dirt in this election, Bernie Sanders, TPP, False flags-drills, The militarized conventions atmosphere, Social programs, N.C. crazy bathroom obsessions and more.