
Tuesday Apr 04, 2017
Meria Heller - News of Planet of the Apes - 04.02.17
Tuesday Apr 04, 2017
Tuesday Apr 04, 2017
3/30/17 News of Planet of the Apes, with Meria. Nunes the storyteller; need an independent investigation;US ups wars and war dead;N.C. repeals bathroom bill;Fukushima radiation poisoning the world; latest trump horror bills;Westinghouse bankrupt;Fed.Court halts trump muslim ban indefinitely;Mexico trumps trump; tourism takes a beating under trump’s “ameriKKKa”; Phoenix makes huge deal with Mexico;trump vs. Republicans;leaders ripped off charities and towns;Ivanka in WH; 15 felonies for phony PP video makers;Brexit;no coal jobs coming back; no internet privacy-activists respond;DNC resignations;Dakota pipeline flows;More troops to Iraq,Yemen & Afghanistan;Sessions vs. sanctuary cities; lawsuit against Sessions;Bridgegate sentences;Iowa’s new ridiculous abortion bill;Canada moves to legalize cannabis;Kushner & Russia ties (lost big deal with China); trump created 35 jobs, destroyed thousands;trump/Russia/Mobs/FBI (must read); Russian protests; and more insanity.

Monday Feb 13, 2017
Meria Heller - News of Planet of the Apes - 02.05.17
Monday Feb 13, 2017
Monday Feb 13, 2017
News of Planet of the Apes, with Meria. Trump attacks Australia and Mexico! Nutjob! trump wants McConnell to go nuclear for his christian right Supreme Ct. choice;Who is Gorsuch? arrests at Standing Rock;Reps to sell 3.3 million acres of public land (Agenda 21); trump wants to destroy political activity by churches; trump’s firings continue;Tillerson faces hell; GOP change laws to put Price & Mnuchin in; Where are the democrats? Impeach? Fukushima latest;Jenna Bush on trump; trumps ignorance has no bounds; prison standoff; ex KGB chief dead after trump dossier; trumps drugs;Bannon on NSC? War with China? China’s response;trump needs to prove his legitimacy;Arnold vs Donald;separation of church & state?corp. America turning on trump; Christian terrorist in Quebec;authoritarian rule;Ryan sees press as fuckin waste of time;Sally Yates;Dodd-Frank Act on chopping block;Iran;Israel;Jared Kushner unhappy; christian holy war?and tons more news.

Monday Feb 13, 2017
Meria Heller - Meria With Valerie Heller, Clinical Consultant - 01.29.17
Monday Feb 13, 2017
Monday Feb 13, 2017
1/22/17 Meria Interviews Valerie Heller, Clinical Consultant, Grassroots Organizer;Val was at the protest in NYC yesterday; why? diversity; families with small babies in attendance; estimates 25% male; men chanting for women’s rights; what was the march about? Not against but for something; civil rights; trump’s speech”our people” who was he speaking about? last gasp for white male rule; Liberal (liberty) democracy vs. autocratic democracy; not ok to demonize the press or a group of people; demoralizing people; harm to children;abused become abusers;the Millennials;”free Melania”-is she abused? all the women surrounding trump look like Barbie dolls -why? lack of emotional expression; trumps pathology; referring to his own daughter as a “piece of ass”; 5 white men took it away from Hillary;99% bi-racial in USA;don’t believe slogans and much more.

Monday Feb 13, 2017
Meria Heller - Meria with Richie Allen - 01.22.17
Monday Feb 13, 2017
Monday Feb 13, 2017
Meria’s guest is Richie Allen of The Richie Allen Show. Snow in Spain and Italy – weather modification;Dennis Kucinich on chemtrails and dept of peace; two sides of same coin – US election; what happens when trump let’s his people down? Netanyahu; Votescam;Best Democracy Money Can Buy; All countries spy on each other;Mad Dog Mattis;Eric Prince/trump/Betsy DeVos;Exxon Mobil; is trump authentic? Pence a Rothschild/Zionist;Bush & Putin;Vaccines;trump and Hollywood;where’s the anti-war movement? Most Americans don’t know we’re still at war;Theresa May and Brexit and world citizens; the Hunger Games agenda; artificial intelligence and “jobs” and much more.

Tuesday Jan 10, 2017
Meria Heller - Stars R Us with Meria and Joseph Anthony - 01.08.17
Tuesday Jan 10, 2017
Tuesday Jan 10, 2017
Stars R Us, with Meria and Joseph Anthony. The astrology report for 2017. Better year in many ways; more positive eclipses this year; Venus retrograde in March;Feb 24-28th-war? Saturn trines Uranus; Jupiter sextile Saturn; optimistic/idealism; August a great month; Mercury retrogrades (this one over the 8th); Jan 20th-Sun in Aquarius;Jan.28-Chinese New Year- of the Rooster; indications of conflicts in alphabet agencies; energies shifting for the better; financial changes; trump/cabinet/Jesuits; could there be a major conflict this year? new system by 2024; Neptune in Pisces until 2025 and what it all means.

Tuesday Dec 20, 2016
Meria Heller - News of Planet of the Apes - 12.18.16
Tuesday Dec 20, 2016
Tuesday Dec 20, 2016
News of Planet of the Apes, with Meria. Yahoo hacked again;Russian hacking; professor criticized trump-death threats; white students holding trump sign put backs to black players; oil & gas boom under trump;Feds raise interest; what deportation will cost us in food;anti-abortion signs in Okla!; who will pay the cost of unwanted children? CIA on trumps incompetence-compared to W; Electors threatened;Flynn wipes his Twitter;will electors block trump? China-Duerte-trump;will trump divest? white man gets away with rape (again); Aleppo;DOE says no to trump witch-hunt;Pipeline spill in N.D.;Perry and Energy dept?Perry on board of DAPL;Netanyahu;Ryan Zinke;Bill Cosby case; will trump get us all killed?corporate buybacks and welfare;K.T.McFarland, another bad choice;Olbermann blasts trump coup; child sex abuse in British soccer; loon in Tempe; Kasich signs abortion bill; did Turkey blackmail trump?Jerusalem;1 in 6 on psychiatric drugs; and more insanity!

Monday Dec 12, 2016
Monday Dec 12, 2016
News of Planet of the Apes, with Meria. “Island of Lost Souls” -pizzagate;Wayne Madsen on pizza gate;Michael Flynn Jr fired by Trump for fake news story; thousands of snow geese dead;oil pipeline breaks in N.D.; Natives to stay in Standing Rock;selling of trump towers -security? Bob Dole arranged call between trump & Taiwan;trump’s latest militaristic picks; Exorcism at Capitol; trumps son in laws paper wants FBI after trump protesters; beaten by white cops for being black;mistrial by 11 white jurors in Walter Scott case; talking toys & NSA;coal miners to lose retirement benefits;Australia’s indefinite detentions; trump vs. Carrier union president;Burka ban in Germany;twitter vs.trump;book suppression; death threats from trump fans;Amazon’s new Go store vs.trump;oil pig to run EPA; Pentagon wasted $125 billion;Americans Jews & Muslims unite; forgiveness ceremony at Standing Rock;inexperienced Ben Carson heading Housing;Cumrags for Congress movement;Ohio’s horrific abortion law;6.5 No.California;and lots more insanity.

Monday Dec 05, 2016
Meria Heller - Stars R Us with Meria and Joseph Anthony - 12.04.16
Monday Dec 05, 2016
Monday Dec 05, 2016
Stars R Us with Meria and Joseph Anthony. December’s astrology. Fear/trump/massive change;Jesuits, FreeMasons,Protocols;financial system changing; beliefs vs. knowing;Mercury retrograde 19th-Jan 8; serious and confusing month;Mars in Pisces;good month to prepare and review;Venus in Aquarius;Standing Rock-civil war?January will be tumultuous;2017-a one year; endings and beginnings; releasing old ideas; weather; Sun in Capricorn 21st;astro-theology;Jupiter opposing Uranus 26th;New Moon in Cap; Uranus in Aries;false flag? Mars nears Neptune and monthly horoscopes.

Monday Nov 28, 2016
Meria Heller - News of Planet of the Apes - 11.27.16
Monday Nov 28, 2016
Monday Nov 28, 2016
News of Planet of the Apes, with Meria. Massive fires in Israel;Zionist back trump;California vs.trumpland;Pompeo’s religious battle;Sessions-worse racist;DeVos anti-education;trump’s first deal; trump avoids intel. briefings;Jill Stein challenges vote theft in 3 states; myth of thanksgiving; people push on electors to change their vote;Constitution and trump; kiss overtime goodbye;trump awed at size of job; trump business conflicts;Ken Blackwell-demon; bill to scrap electoral college; people who want to assassinate trump; NBA boycotting trump hotels; are we safe? trump settles trump U fraud case;trumps nepotism; water cannons used on ND protesters; and more insanity.

Monday Nov 21, 2016
Meria Heller - Ken Blackwell & John Bolton Return - 11.20.16
Monday Nov 21, 2016
Monday Nov 21, 2016
News of Planet of the Apes, with Meria. the Mercers back Bannon the racist;Trump want his kids to have secret security clearance;Ken Blackwell & John Bolton return;Jeff Sessions, another fanatic;Kobach the criminal;Pence removes lobbyists; make rape legal? attacks on gays, women, minorities;Pence, the christian supremacist; student protests; school walkouts; hate crimes up 67%;Roe Vs.Wade on the chopping block;fubar in trump land;Jews against Bannon;Muslims & Jews unite;Ivanka brand dumped; using the presidency to sell; society splits; women attacked by trump men; racists out of the closet;Emmy Rossum targeted; long time pot use;Michele vs Melania;Kareen-Abdul-Jabbar; Standing Rock;women to march on DC;and more insanity in Idiocracy.