
Sunday Jan 28, 2018
Meria Heller - Roaring Truth, with Meria and Jim Fetzer - 01.26.18
Sunday Jan 28, 2018
Sunday Jan 28, 2018
Roaring Truth, with Meria and Jim Fetzer. Medicare for all is the solution; sad state of medicine in the USA;Bernie;deporting doctors;chemtrails/heavy metals; the fires in California;Directed energy weapons; “smart” appliances;US being destroying from the inside; trumps cabinet/judges;Libya- a disgrace, better before;Hussein;US works for benefit of Israel;Hawaii & Japan alerts or missile shot down?No.Korea no threat;Turks vs. Kurds;Syria;depopulation agenda;Georgia guidestones;Fire & Fury; Bannon;trump “Israel first”; Jerusalem -damn trump to hell (Jim); Israeli sub;USS Liberty;Pence the psycho;Sandy Hook, 9/11,Las Vegas updates;JFK assassination updates;Stormy Daniels and Melania and lots more.

Sunday Jan 21, 2018
Meria Heller - Awaken with Meria and Monnica - 01.21.18
Sunday Jan 21, 2018
Sunday Jan 21, 2018
Awaken with Meria & Monnica. Meria and Monnica Sepulveda take you on a spiritual journey. Intuition is a gift we all have, exercise it and use it; everything is an exchange of energy; feel your own answers; your inner genie; research and development;”only one truth”; don’t hesitate to make changes or leave it to someone else; divine order; challenges don’t have to get the best of us; everything has consciousness;protecting yourself, home, car, etc;clearing;cleansing space; love yourself; are nightmares positive? “The Child Within” by John Bradshaw;blanket forgiveness; make yourself a priority and much more including questions from listeners.

Sunday Jan 14, 2018
Meria Heller - Meria with Bev Conover of Intrepid Report - 01.14.18
Sunday Jan 14, 2018
Sunday Jan 14, 2018
Meria with Bev Conover, Editor,Publisher of Intrepid Report; Year wrap up;Intrepid Report online since 1998;what got her started;1998 she was covering Clinton’s illegal bills; trump & Wolff’s book; Bannon; Can’t fix stupid;Diane Feinstein’s release of the dossier testimony;Darrell Issa retiring like most GOP; trumps henchmen at 7-11’s and Motel 6’s; deportations;Russian anchor babies and trump palace; prayer meetings? destroying history in schools;”bloody nose” for No. Korea? the tax trick trump used to gift Eric; trump guilty of money laundering;sanctions – none for Russia, more for Iran?trump forgave Deutsche bank fines; oil drilling; coal shut down;nominatin unqualified judges;Ayn Rand devotees in office;Sarah Huckabee;Sean Spicer on Oprah;no words on Calif;we need a social democracy;Jeff Bezos &CIA’s cloud; why not a national strike? what’s it going to take?work for welfare? start with trump & corporate welfare; bank locally and more.

Sunday Jan 07, 2018
Meria Heller - Stars R Us, with Meria and Joseph Anthony - 01.07.18
Sunday Jan 07, 2018
Sunday Jan 07, 2018
1/5/18 Stars R Us, with Meria & Joseph Anthony. The astrology for 2018; Saturn in Capricorn;high vibrational year changing everything; weather anomalies and creation; global cooling;February frequencies increase; nano dust;11/2 year in numerology; more enlightenment, awareness; need to change; let go; go with the flow;Jupiter aligns to Pluto & Neptune-more happiness; social year; values change; eclipses and the USA;3 Mercury retrogrades;5 eclipses;Mars retrogrades for months;cryptocurrencies;Saturn was in Capricorn during depression of 1930s;re-invention;trump-one term pres?corporate power could increase;Archon agenda;Middle East;Puerto Rico;2017 & #metoo;female energy traits; check astrology before new endeavors and much more.

Sunday Dec 24, 2017
Meria Heller - Awaken with Meria and Monnica - 12.24.17
Sunday Dec 24, 2017
Sunday Dec 24, 2017
Awaken With Meria and Monnica. Covering what’s really important, not the illusion; the holidays; solutions through metaphysics;Sun Bear “moving water is healing water”;Monnica’s journey; lasers and microwaves & Calif;”Loose Change”;love can nix the agenda; holidays and visits from spirits and loved ones; what’s your bandwidth?Raise your frequency; tune in; the film “E-Motion”; clearing the past; how to contact spirits; the dream state visits; answer to a listener;suicide -some can’t handle the frequency of the planet-act of courage; how to disconnect your heart from mass consciousness and enjoy life; gratitude;take a shower;Are we all one? who runs this planet and more.

Sunday Dec 17, 2017
Meria Heller - The Bigger Picture with Michael Reccia - 12.17.17
Sunday Dec 17, 2017
Sunday Dec 17, 2017
The Bigger Picture, with Meria and Michael Reccia. Celebrating the messenger, not the message;Is Christmas now football? the lack of the spiritual and Earth’s reaction to it; rushing through life;What is? Who are you? infuse yourself with light from within; we create by imagining; healing with light; all creation is sacred; transexuals, gays; male/female a matter of expression; harmony;tolerance;is there sexual identity in spirit? spheres of light;dementia;Devas-nature spirits; we share this planet; the pollution we put into Earth’s atmosphere; respect animals; bringing children into this world to suffer; the head mind vs the heart mind.

Sunday Dec 10, 2017
Meria Heller - Conversations with David Icke - 12.10.17
Sunday Dec 10, 2017
Sunday Dec 10, 2017
Conversations with David Icke and Meria. David’s tour, cancelled venue, false accusations;”Everything You Need to Know, But Have Never Been Told”, latest book; Zionist hate groups around the world; why Manchester United pulled his event; war on truth;Anti-semite is Anti-Arab;Germany blocks David;trump diversions;Russia and Israel;Kushner’s dad and Netanyahu;Jared’s money for illegal Israeli settlements; trumps Zionist cabinet;Goldman Sachs;Bush admin; Jerusalem-center of zionist world; dead sea scrolls;Kazars-Russians;Rothschilds;zionist racists;No.Korea & PNAC2000 -all follow the lead of countries to destroy;Treaty with Iran;Agenda 21 and Agenda 30;Saudi Arabia-#1 in terror;Helen Thomas;California fires, hurricanes -Agenda 21 – hidden technology in the hands of madmen;war on California;from your land into dystopian cities for control;Dr.Richard Day;Frankenskies;trump is a classic neo-con;Smart cities; one party system and more.

Sunday Dec 03, 2017
Meria Heller - Roaring Truth, with Meria and Jim Fetzer - 10.29.17
Sunday Dec 03, 2017
Sunday Dec 03, 2017
Roaring Truth, with Meria and Jim Fetzer. The latest from the JFK Conference;Oswald and Tippett;autopsy photos;Jackie & Bobby;Mayor of Dallas brother was CIA; KGB in 1965 and Johnson;Johnson’s lover;latest paper release;Who’s the Lee in Mexico (Al Bundy?) ;Updates on: Sandy Hook, Boston, 9/11, Vegas;Len Posner drops his lawsuit against Wolfgang Halbig;Boston bomber gets federal appeals court to hear case for his innocence;Airlines pay out big on 9/11;Flight 800; the Las Vegas shootings, shooter, witnesses; simulated attacks at other Hotels;was it a military drill? crisis actors at Hooters?Who is Jesus Campos?what is the goal of these shootings everywhere?

Sunday Nov 19, 2017
Meria Heller - Hell and High Water with Meria and Chuck Ochelli - 11.19.17
Sunday Nov 19, 2017
Sunday Nov 19, 2017
Hell & High Water with Meria and Chuck Ochelli. ticking of the nuclear clock;JFK Conference;13,000 more JFK documents released (not all); the trump cult of psychosis in America;why the resistance to truth? who funds your “alternative” media? fear vs. strength; the decapitation of original thought; the given accepted “normal”;spiritual understanding vs. fear;Hillary vs. trump;Jeff Sessions;Roy Moore;Kevin Spacey etc; divide and conquer now reaches women vs. men (as predicted); are you really a patriot or christian? What if Obama did and said what trump does; is trump bi-polar or a really good actor;Americans twisted sexuality; inequality and abuse and lots more.

Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Meria Heller - Stars R Us, with Meria and Joseph Anthony - 11.05.17
Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Stars R Us, with Meria & Joseph Anthony. November’s astrology. Moving through Scorpio and transformations;Mars & Pluto square-drugs, mind control, frequencies;AI,Aliens, UFO’s; “too many humans”;3rd Full Moon in Taurus – beliefs, finances, resources;back to basics;Neptune love is in the air;Mercury in Sag;Venus in Scorpio;romance, partnership, sexuality; sexual harassment revealed; sexuality used to create reality;Venus conjuncts Jupiter -very fortunate;New Moon in Scorpio;transforming society;Joes new gallery “Art And Soul Sedona”; shock and outrage on New Moon, Sun in Sag on the 21st and personal horoscopes.