
Monday Dec 05, 2016
Meria Heller - Stars R Us with Meria and Joseph Anthony - 12.04.16
Monday Dec 05, 2016
Monday Dec 05, 2016
Stars R Us with Meria and Joseph Anthony. December’s astrology. Fear/trump/massive change;Jesuits, FreeMasons,Protocols;financial system changing; beliefs vs. knowing;Mercury retrograde 19th-Jan 8; serious and confusing month;Mars in Pisces;good month to prepare and review;Venus in Aquarius;Standing Rock-civil war?January will be tumultuous;2017-a one year; endings and beginnings; releasing old ideas; weather; Sun in Capricorn 21st;astro-theology;Jupiter opposing Uranus 26th;New Moon in Cap; Uranus in Aries;false flag? Mars nears Neptune and monthly horoscopes.
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