
Sunday May 22, 2016
Meria Heller Show – 05.22.16
Sunday May 22, 2016
Sunday May 22, 2016
Conversations with David.
Meria with David Icke. David kicks off his “Worldwide Wake Up Tour,” Tee shirts of Hillary & Trump - this choice is no choice, No political solutions, only spiritual ones, One party system, People are waking up, Keeping the people engaged, Divide and rule, Zionists backing Trump & Hillary, Inverted world-politics, Medicine, Media, It’s all frequency, Free yourself from the limiting 5 sense reality, Change your point of self-identity, Infinite awareness, Be in the world but not part of it, The word lie is in belief, The holographic self, Perception deception, Not easy breaking free, Social media psychopaths, Words are frequencies and lots more. As Meria says “The only ticket out of here is a spiritual one.”