
Sunday May 08, 2016
Meria Heller Show – 05.08.16
Sunday May 08, 2016
Sunday May 08, 2016
Stars R Us, A monthly astrology show with Meria Heller and Joseph Anthony. Feeling tired? nutty? Relax, 5 planets are retrograding, he election “carnival show” and ego/power, May is about re-assessing our values and belief systems, Emotional distractions, Retro = going back; xpectations (flush them); Wake up to what’s real;BRICS currency;financial issues;lifestyle counts;lots of deaths and Pluto; time compression;roughest month of 2016; 2018 Uranus in Taurus, Sun in Taurus-slow down, New Moon in Tauru, Sun in Gemini (have fun); Full Moon in Sag, Restlessness – Break out of routines, Mercury goes direct on the 22nd, Horoscopes by sign.
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