
Sunday Apr 17, 2016
Meria Heller Show – 04.17.16
Sunday Apr 17, 2016
Sunday Apr 17, 2016
The Bigger Picture with Meria Heller and Michael Reccia. Your Life After Death (great book); today we discuss his latest “From Here to Infinity”. Dreamspace free of the effects of the Fall; Time of restoration; Multi-tasking; Raise your vibration, raise the world’s; Darkness and light; The switch from negative programming to positive; Can you force others to change? We are each a facet (individualized version) of god; The hard crust of physicality; Creating a better world by changing consciousness; We are no-physical-thing; The flexibility of spirit forms; Snail or hawk? Indoctrinated since birth-waking up is hard to do; Thought and sound resonates; Do you have a mission? This isn’t life but a pattern repeating itself; World of lack, loss, fear, violence could lead to cataclysm; Be it, live it, lead by example; Do we ever really lose anyone to death?