
Sunday Apr 10, 2016
Meria Heller Show – 04.10.16
Sunday Apr 10, 2016
Sunday Apr 10, 2016
Stars R Us, monthly astrology show with Meria and Joseph Anthony. What a month! Everything uncovered being revealed; holding on to old paradigms in the South; Pluto squaring Uranus-deep discovery; Uranus is the awakening planet; Kevin Trudeau; Energy of change coming in; Taurus the sign of money; power grabbing and Pluto; death; questioning our values; Venus in Aries; Mercury in Taurus – high energy first half of the month; Mars retrogrades on the 17th-slowdown for 11 weeks; Pluto goes retrograde on the 18th; ”Earth Month”; Mercury goes retrograde on the 28th; nostalgic times; Full Moon in Scorpio the 21st – emotional; enjoy the simple things in life this month; 7th New Moon in Aries; this month “review-revisit and revise” and your individual horoscopes.