
Sunday Apr 03, 2016
Meria Heller Show – 04.03.16
Sunday Apr 03, 2016
Sunday Apr 03, 2016
Meria interviews John Potash on his latest book “Drugs As Weapons Against Us, The CIA’s Murderous Targeting of SDS, Panthers, Hendrix, Lennon, Cobain, Tupac and Other Activists”. The war on drugs is a war on us; Tupac was a serious political activist as was his family; Co-intel-pro took him out; radical black movements targeted, media never covered them properly; Lennon, Hendrix, Cobain into left politics (thus a threat); Drugs used against them; Brian Jones of the Stones murdered; was Michael Jackson targeted? US intel gets them on drugs, then uses them, then kills them; MKUltra; war on dissidents; anti-war movements; all drugged today; Elvis and his handlers; Lennon on Elvis; Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love/MKUltra; Project Monarch; Assassins for the CIA; Alan Freed-scapegoated; Grateful Dead – who were they? Ronald Stark & U.S. Intel; dosing the Beatles and Stones and so much more.