
Sunday Apr 01, 2018
Meria Heller - Roaring Truth, with Meria and Jim Fetzer - 04.01.18
Sunday Apr 01, 2018
Sunday Apr 01, 2018
Roaring Truth with Meria and Jim Fetzer. War against Russia? Annihilation of all life on Earth;where’s the evidence?Russia’s superior weaponry;John Bolton -Hawk’s hawk;Iran gave up nukes in 2003;Gina Haspal another war hawk;Tillerson replaced with Pompeo -hawk;Dodd Frank; “drain the swamp?”; shadow govt;Israel and Iran;fighting Israel’s wars;police killings-trained in Israel;Las Vegas shooting;Parkland;simulated ammo? 60 Russians expelled;Yemen war;Saudi Arabia and 9/11 -$$ to trump;anti-war movement in the 60’s; Fukushima;no one wins a nuclear war;trump “take the guns, due process later”; Repeal the 2nd amendment? Jared Kushner;tariffs and more.
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