
Tuesday Apr 04, 2017
Meria Heller - News of Planet of the Apes - 04.02.17
Tuesday Apr 04, 2017
Tuesday Apr 04, 2017
3/30/17 News of Planet of the Apes, with Meria. Nunes the storyteller; need an independent investigation;US ups wars and war dead;N.C. repeals bathroom bill;Fukushima radiation poisoning the world; latest trump horror bills;Westinghouse bankrupt;Fed.Court halts trump muslim ban indefinitely;Mexico trumps trump; tourism takes a beating under trump’s “ameriKKKa”; Phoenix makes huge deal with Mexico;trump vs. Republicans;leaders ripped off charities and towns;Ivanka in WH; 15 felonies for phony PP video makers;Brexit;no coal jobs coming back; no internet privacy-activists respond;DNC resignations;Dakota pipeline flows;More troops to Iraq,Yemen & Afghanistan;Sessions vs. sanctuary cities; lawsuit against Sessions;Bridgegate sentences;Iowa’s new ridiculous abortion bill;Canada moves to legalize cannabis;Kushner & Russia ties (lost big deal with China); trump created 35 jobs, destroyed thousands;trump/Russia/Mobs/FBI (must read); Russian protests; and more insanity.