
Sunday Sep 09, 2018
Meria Heller - Meria with Jonathan Simon – Code Red
Sunday Sep 09, 2018
Sunday Sep 09, 2018
Meria interviews Jonathan Simon, Election Forensic Analyst, author of “Code Red, Computerized Elections and the War on American Democracy”. Did trump “win”? where’s the proof? election counting in secrecy; media silent on stolen elections;Kris Kobach;voter suppression;Corporate elite governance; the benefits of 2016’s “election”;What’s changed since 2000? we need a verifiable vote counting system; how Congress stays in power with little approval; the midterms-election theft again? gerrymandering;paper ballots and recounts; patriot or hatriot; US is dead LAST in election integrity; the red flags of 2016;exit polls; the 2017 Georgia election blatant; and way more information.
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