
Sunday Mar 18, 2018
Meria Heller - Meria with David Icke - 03.18.18
Sunday Mar 18, 2018
Sunday Mar 18, 2018
Conversations with David Icke & Meria. The expansion of knowledge is the journey;demonization of alternative voices on social media sites;it’s all about censorship and controlling the narrative;mind control;UK banning RT;Russia;discernment is necessary;Al Jazerra targeted;ultra-Zionist hate groups;all social media run by Zionists;Florida shooting;silencing alternative media;Zionism is NOT Judaism;Zionism is a very racist creed;political correctness as control;divide and conquer;chemtrails-nano dust/bots – why? breathing in nano dust attaches you to smart grid;5G lethal frequencies;AI taking over the internet and our lives;awakening happening;Archons;UFO activity & Navy pilots;are non-humans behind human events? and lots more.