
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Meria Heller - Hell & High Water, with Meria and Chuck Ochelli
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Friday Nov 13, 2020
The election fiasco (never in 70 yrs have I seen anything like this); trumps sets Barr on election, top prosecutor quits; trumps dangerous firings; Mark Esper fired on twitter; GSA & Melania blocking peaceful transition of government; Georgia-thank you to Greg Palast and Stacy Abrams; Chuck’s facts on Georgia; covering stolen elections; covering trump is literally sickening; will trumps prosecution happen? Obamacare and the Supremes; Steve Bannon threats; Rudy Guiliani’s press conference; Putin’s timing of stepping down; Russia and 2016 election; SNL;Family Guy; trumps dance music; lame duck capable of anything; world view on USA and election and lots more.
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